Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Appreciation For Life

For me having a great appreciation for life is acknowledging death we all know let me rephrase that some people know tomorrow is not a given each day , I awake and taking in my surroundings I am grateful that I have this day given to me yes , there are challenges to go with each day also also pain and heartbreak but I have found out that any good life worth living without those challenges would be very dull personallyI draw from all of the experiences that I have had and look forward to more experiences hopefully good but sometimes you can't have the good without the bed so acknowledging death does not make me sick it is been my experience that individuals that write suicide letters our crying out for help I am far from crying out for help I have a thirst for life and as a friend once told me "you have to have the courage to live before you can be at peace with death"

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