Sunday, November 05, 2006

Mid-Term Elections, Sin City

It’s almost Tuesday, and the political race is getting ugly (but don’t they say that every year?) Have never known politics to be a warm and fuzzy feeling that you get that brings a bright smile to your face when you watch them going on. I either read or heard somewhere a long time ago. "There are two things you do not want to see being made hotdogs and politics." And I guess until the age of 31 or so. They never interest me one way or another. Yes, I would look through the USA Today page and see article "Jesse Jackson for president or Al Sharpton struggles to keep his campaign going strong." But it never interest me and my father would sit and watch Meet the Press. I could never understand why what or how he could watch that. But now I understand. I was younger than and I was doing what young people do living a carefree life and he was older, and he was doing what older people do. Being the keeper of my future. He was making sure that in his words. "Those crooked bastards." Did not mess up my future. I find myself doing and saying the same thing.
But I find myself doing it for my nieces and nephews. I know every country hates us every extremeness with the right amount of explosives, and he and his or her mind wants to come to the middle of Times Square or some major metropolis and blow themselves up, to make a point. My voting on Tuesday will not change that someone will always want to do something crazy. But my voting on Tuesday will do this it will tell some of the senators and congressmen/and women that I do not like the job that you are doing. I do not like the fact that we are spending $2 billion a week of fighting a war that was started in my opinion on half-truths. On September the 12th a day after those buildings fell, we needed a bad guy and sheriff George W. Bush mounted up his posse and found one. But sheriff Bush can’t seem to take his blinders off. He is focused and absolute and that would be a wonderful thing for a president. If there were not so many people dying every day. So he can sit in his office hold many press conferences and babbled the words "stay the course." Because the course is getting rockier and rockier, because every time an innocent Iraqi father, mother or family member has to bury one of their dead, because they were caught in the crossfire. I don’t think they think about how great it is over here in America, he or she has just been given a reason to strap on 10 pounds of explosives and make his or her point of why their loved one had to die. And if you’re reading this and thinking anti-American. Nothing could be far from the truth. I support the troops and the men and women in our Armed Forces. War is not fair, but too many people have died and many more will. But I think we have let our town sheriff pick a fight with the wrong locals. At least when Saddam Hussein was there, and they could hate him. But now, they resent us, and they try and succeed in killing each other. We are just merely a casualties of war. We are not fighting it. We are just dying from it

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