Wednesday, October 05, 2005

George Bush Friend or President?

I honestly
like George Bush he seems like one of those type of guys that has a really good personality great at parties . you know the type of guy when you're at a party , and you yell out" hey George do that trick with the lighter fluid like you did the last party" the type of guy . you probably would sit down and watch a football game with that type of friend always fun . all the time , but I don't like my friends to be my president . I have friends , just like him the exact same personality . those qualities that just mention are not qualities , I want in a president . I dealt want to hang out with a president . I want him behind his desk , doing his job and not somewhere fishing or on a ranch , riding horses . I think you John Kerry had of picked up on this friendship aspect that I'm speaking of his campaign slogans should have been" George Bush . not for president . he makes a better friend"


Anonymous said...

Amen to that! He will definitely go down as the worst President in American history.
Love your blog - I predict that you will be rich and famous from this one day and people will be paying you big bucks to put their advertisements on here. Keep up the good stories!

Blondage said...

He is NOT the worst president in history 'anonymous'. Study your history! Sheesh!

But I agree with you Xavier -- I like him more as a person than as a president.

I still support him, but it's getting harder....don't get me started on the Supreme Court picks.


Loved your story on my blog.
